What Is Dissertation Dedication? - Free Examples
As students create their dissertation, they spend weeks agonizing over the research, outlines and writing. At the end of the process, there is unfortunately another detail to worry about: the dissertation dedication. The dedication is fairly easy to write and can be completed in a few hours when you get help from USEssayWriters service. Despite the worries about the college student, the dedication is an extremely straightforward piece of writing.
What is the Dissertation Dedication?
Most books at the library will have a dedication page. Normally, this page includes quotes like “For my mother” or “For Lucy who never gave up on me.” A dissertation dedication is the same concept. In this part of the dissertation, the student must use a sentence or a paragraph to dedicate their text. They may want to use the dedication to recognize an individual who inspired them to go to college or someone who helped with the dissertation. Dedicating the dissertation to someone is a way to honor them. After putting so much work into this paper, it is a chance for the student to recognize the people who influenced the process.
Samples of a Dissertation
This dissertation is dedicated to the memory of Jane Smith. Although she was my inspiration to pursue my doctoral degree, she was unable to see my graduation. This is for her.
Thank you to my academic adviser who guided me in this process and the committee who kept me on track.
I dedicate this dissertation to my ninth grade teacher who inspired my pursuit of economics.
For my father who helped me in all things great and small.
This dissertation is dedicated to my husband who encouraged me to pursue my dreams and finish my dissertation.
Dedication or Acknowledgments?
Other than the dedication, students will have another chance to recognize the people who helped them with the paper. In the acknowledgments section of the dissertation, students will need to recognize the professors, advisers, librarians, committee and researchers who made the dissertation possible. While some of these individuals may be directly involved in the process, others may be included in the acknowledgments for their morale support. A supportive spouse or parent may be included on occasion. Additionally, students should keep in mind all of the librarians at different archives and research assistants who helped with the research. While the committee members should be included for political reasons, the librarians and researchers should be acknowledged because they actually contributed to the completion of the dissertation.
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