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A Manual For Selecting Unique Dissertation Topics

Writing a graduate level dissertation will likely be one of the most important tasks of your academic career. Dissertations can take years to complete, and involve considerable research and original ideas. Before you can get started with the writing, you naturally need to come up with a topic and thesis that you will seek to defend.

A dissertation is different from most other academic works as it is expected that you will provide original insight into the area of study that you have chosen to examine. That means it is even more critical than usual that you come up with an absolutely awesome and unique topic for your dissertation. Here are some helpful tips:

Try Talking About It

Take the time to meet with your course adviser and instructors to brainstorm an original idea. They will know where your interest lies, and may be able to come up with an angle or approach that has not occurred to you. Have them ask you questions about what your favourite courses, books and journals are. You will always produce a superior paper if you truly enjoy the research and writing that you need to do to get the job done. In the case of a dissertation, that could take years. You want to be sure that you will not get bored before you finish what is certain to be a long and involved project!

Flexibility Will Work Just Fine

Given the length and breadth of a dissertation, you can expect that there will be times when you need to adjust the scope and exploration of your thesis. It may help to start with a relatively narrow focus on your chosen subject. Then as you research and write your paper, you can widen your view to encompass new findings. Often times, your final conclusions will differ from what you originally predicted your results would be. Expect the unexpected, and be open to change!

Be Serious When Sourcing Data

If you believe you have come up with a unique topic for your dissertation, you will need to make sure there are sufficient sources of information and previous research. It is especially important that you pull together a list of reputable papers, studies and other materials before you start to write. There are few things more frustrating then coming up with a killer thesis, and then discovering that there is no material to use to support it!

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